We all remember all the fun we had playing the simplistic yet fun and entertaining titles of the Sonic series on the Genesis but times have changed and according to Sonic Team this platformer needs to go with it. The one thing that really bothers me about the game is the lack of consistency. Through the beginning of the game you are exclusively playing with Sonic and it’s not until later in the game that you have access to other characters. The one thing different to the Sonic Adventures series is a central starting point, instead of the normal just continuation of levels you will now have one place where you will go to access new levels.

The story is played out through several cut scenes but never really becomes very important to the game. Sonic Adventures DX story starts right about where you would expect them to with you trying to stop another one of Dr. Having had poor opinions on the Dreamcast port of the game I wasn’t overly sure the Sonic Team could fix up the game enough to make people interested in this title. When I sat down to play Sonic Adventures DX for the first time I wasn’t really sure really what to think or expect. And sadly I found that they could have totally done without trying to port this one.

Sure when you hear sonic you are going to be interested to see if it does well or not but with all these killer platform titles already out there, that Sega can’t just rely on the name to get them very far, and they would actually have to make a sincere effort to create a worthwhile purchase for Sonic Adventures DX: Director Cut.

To be quite honest before I get started with the review, when sonic first got into the 3D world (mostly on the Dreamcast versions) I have just slowly lost interest in the title.

So can Sonic Adventures DX: Directors make the Dreamcast title work on the Cube or was it just one big failure. The game would need a serious upgrade from the Dreamcast version to really be anything worthwhile to purchase now, especially with all the solid platforming titles being released. The game wasn’t overly impressive (in my eyes) and therefore when I heard they were going to port it to the Cube I wasn’t overly excited. It was a few years ago that Dreamcast was given its first experience at Sonic the Hedgehog in full 3D.